RAIN™ Grows Fixed Wireless Access Revenue Opportunity by 30%
Mobile Network Operators in North America are successfully launching Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) services over their mobile networks in effort to leverage infrastructure investments and drive new revenue. However, the rapid adoption of this service is wreaking havoc on network performance and capital efficiency, as the primary driver of FWA traffic is the most bandwidth intensive: HD Video for home entertainment.
In order to preserve the quality of service for mobile customers, operators are having to curtail the expansion of FWA, severely limiting this revenue growth opportunity.
The Network Optimization component of the AI-Powered RAIN™ platform, drives additional revenue for FWA networks by as much as 30% in real world network customer deployments.
Use Case | North American Tier One Mobile Operator
RAIN’s Network Optimization increased FWA revenue opportunity by 30% and improved user speeds by 24%
For this Tier 1 North American operator, Peregrine increases user speeds on congested sites, allowing them to handle more traffic while maintaining an optimimum user experience for everyone on the network. This reduces the number of sites whose performance falls below the acceptable throughput threshold, which keeps them embargoed for FWA use. A 30% reduction in embargoed sites drives a massive increase in revenue opportunity.