Opanga Welcomes Neville Ray

How could a wireless industry be so tied down?
Companies that stand for freedom and mobility are actually chained and handcuffed—by hardware.
When they need to improve network performance, they see no choice but to add more expensive, cumbersome, unsustainable infrastructure.
But it doesn’t have to be this way, and we have the data to prove it.

Adoption of QUIC and its Impact on Network Congestion
QUIC based apps starve TCP data sessions of their fair share to network resources, forcing them to lower throughput levels.

Critical industry shifts demand software innovation
PeregrineTM Radio-Aware Multi-Protocol RAN Optimization platform doubles user speeds and reduces RAN CAPEX/OPEX up to 50%.

Reduce cell site electrical costs today with RAIN
A portfolio of rapidly deployable ML software solutions that reduces RAN energy costs by 20%-40%.

How much speed do apps need?
A critical driver of churn is unreliable network performance for the applications that consumers use today such as Netflix, YouTube, and social media.

DNS Darkness: Let Opanga light the way
When DNS goes dark, operators will lose the ability to bill, optimize and enforce security protocols. So, the critical question is, what can network operators do