How could a wireless industry be so tied down?

Companies that stand for freedom and mobility are actually chained and handcuffed—by hardware.

When they need to improve network performance, they see no choice but to add more expensive, cumbersome, unsustainable infrastructure.

But it doesn’t have to be this way, and we have the data to prove it. 

With Opanga, wireless operators can make a big-time hardware upgrade with no hardware at all—just incredibly smart AI software.

Our advanced RAIN platform can optimize the network equipment operators already have in place, providing them with the tools they need to run more efficiently and sustainably.

With practically invisible technology, their wireless network becomes up to 40% more efficient—delivering huge gains in network performance, energy savings, cost reduction, and network resiliency.

They get to harness the full potential of their existing infrastructure while freeing themselves from the shackles of the clunky old way. 

Isn’t that what it truly means to be wireless?

It’s time to break free from the hardware handcuffs.

Free your network.


Opanga Welcomes Neville Ray


Adoption of QUIC and its Impact on Network Congestion